
Showing posts with the label #Online review management

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a threat vector that depends heavily on human interaction and infrequently involves manipulating individuals into breaking traditional security procedures and best practices so as to achieve access to systems, networks or physical locations, or for gain. Fraudulent actors use  social engineering techniques  to hide their true identities and motives and gain themselves as a trusty individual or info supply. The target is to influence, manipulate or trick users into leaving behind privileged info or access among a company. Several social engineering exploits merely have confidence people’s temperament to be useful. For instance, the offender may fake to be a fellow worker who has some reasonably imperative drawback that needs access to further network resources. Social engineering is a common tactic among hackers because it is often easier to exploit users’ weaknesses than it is to find a network or software vulnerability.  Hackers will often use social engi

How to respond negative reviews

Introduction: As marvelous as it would be to easily build all negative customer feedback disappear, review management could be a bit trickier. Most sites have strict policies in place around review removal. The majority of cases, reviews will solely be removed if they violate specific terms and conditions, and also the removal will only be done by the review website itself. Requesting review removal tends to be a protracted, lengthy method and you aren’t sure to get your approach. So how can you make sure negative reviews don’t damage your business? If the negative reviewer is a real consumer, it may be much more effective to interact in a dialogue and check out to resolve the problem one-on-one. a lot of typically than not, a dissatisfied consumer spews rants on review sites just to excuse steam. Acknowledging the customer’s issues may facilitate quiet down the trend and perhaps even win loyalty back. Who knows? The customer could even be inclined to update or perhaps delet

4 tips to optimizing your LinkedIn business page

When was the last time you evaluated your company LinkedIn page? Does it represent your brand well, attract prospective clients and showcase your business as an authority in its field? Many small businesses take the necessary steps to create a company LinkedIn page, but aren’t quite sure if their page is doing all it should. Here are some advanced tips to make sure your business page is the best it can be. 1. Create Showcase Pages : A Showcase Page is an offshoot of your company profile page that enables you to promote a specific product or service that your business offers. And because Showcase Pages have analytics, you’ll be able to track visitor interest in those products or services. Let’s say you sell digital cameras. You can set up a Showcase Page that highlights your best-selling camera. Or, if you run a pet shop, you could highlight your pet grooming services. On your LinkedIn company page, Showcase Pages are below the About Us section. Look at the Adobe page below